Terms of use


The website Objectif Horlogerie is hosted by Gandi located at :

GANDI SAS, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €37,000 whose registered office is located at

63-65 boulevard Massena, Paris (75013) FRANCE,

registered under number 805 081 817 00027 RCS PARIS

VAT NO. FR81423093459

Telephone: +33 (0) 1

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The templates used and the site content (drawings, illustrations, models, texts, logos, trademarks, photographs, images of people, etc.) as well as domain names. objectifhorlogerie.com/objectifhorlogerie.fr. etc… are subject to current legislation and are protected, in particular, by common law, copyright and image rights.

All elements of the site (templates and content, including all photographs) are the exclusive property of Objectif Horlogerie.

It is therefore forbidden to reproduce in full or in part, distribute, transmit, modify, use or sell all or part of the site’s content.

The same applies, without express prior agreement, to the domain names of the Objectif Horlogerie website.

Photo credits: © Stéphane Adamhttps://stephaneadam.com


3.1 Use of data collected on the site

The Objectif Horlogerie implements several data processing operations for the purpose of communicating and exchanging information with Internet users. These treatments enable Objectif Horlogerie answer questions from Internet users via the contact form. The data collected on the site comes solely from the voluntary registration of Internet users who fill in the contact form on the “Contact” page.

3.2 Destination of data collected on the site

The data collected by Objectif Horlogerie via the site is for internal use only, and will not be communicated, transferred or disclosed to third parties.

The person responsible for this processing is Objectif Horlogerie.

3.3 Right of access, modification and deletion

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, Internet users have the right to access, rectify, modify, oppose and delete data concerning them.

This right may be exercised by contacting Objectif Horlogerie by sending an e-mail tocontact@objectifhorlogerie.fr or by post to Objectif Horlogerie.


4.1 Use of cookies on the site

In order to facilitate navigation on the site, personalize information and access the customer account or fill the shopping cart, a cookie (a text file stored on the computer’s hard disk) can be used. The purpose of this file is to simplify access to the site by eliminating the need to enter a login and password to access the customer account.

The generation of cookie is by no means systematic. Internet users can browse the website of Objectif Horlogerie without logging in or creating an account.

4.2 Session cookie used for statistical purposes

The information collected via the personalizationcookie, such as IP address, type of Internet browser used, operating system, site pages visited, may be used for statistical or security purposes in order to improve the service.

Whenever possible, visits to the site result in the use of a sessioncookie for statistical analysis and site audience measurement purposes.


5.1 Linking to the site home page

All links to the home page of objectifhorlogerie.com may be freely established provided that they are not used for commercial or advertising purposes, and that the authors of the link have informed Objectif Horlogerie in advance.

5.2 Linking to internal site pages

All direct or deep links to an internal page of the site, regardless of their form or content, are prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the site editor.

This includes, but is not limited to, any graphic document (such as .jpeg, .gif, .png), any multimedia or animated document (such as .avi, .mov, .wmv, .flv, .swf, .ppt, .pps), any text or editorial document (such as .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .xls, .pdf), as well as any other document not readable directly from a standard Internet browser.

5.3 Inclusions and use of frames

Any use or reproduction, even partial, of one of the elements of the objectifhorlogerie.com site within a third-party site by means of so-called inclusion processes, frames,inlining or any other process of a similar nature is strictly prohibited.

5.4 Requests for authorization

Authorization for the establishment of the links referred to in this article must be requested by email to  contact@objectifhorlogerie.com


The editors and authors of objectifhorlogerie. com cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information published or for any technical problems encountered on the site and on all other sites to which links are established, or for any interpretation of the information published on these sites, as well as for the consequences of their use.
